Saturday 30 November 2013

A gamer's review

So here goes.

Yesterday I got a copy of Ghosts for the 360 and since then ive maybe clocked up about 5 hours of gameplay (Not on the xbox ATM so using that as a rough estimate) and if im going to be frank about what I think about the game, its shit.

For a little background information on my habits when it comes to video games, in particular FPS games, im quite the avid player and being someone who is fairly competitive I like to get better at a game. Going back as far as Halo 2, FPS games have been my game of choice. I do on occasion play other games but my love falls firmly into the FPS category.

Now, I'm the type of person that believes that Halo takes more skill then CoD to play. This stems from the ability for one person to go into a match and more or less win the game by themselves. This is something I find with ease to do on pretty much any CoD title game, Halo on the other hand is more team orientated which leads me on to make my judgement that Halo takes more skill then CoD. I'm not what you call amazing at the game but I'm more than capable of going into a game (for arguments sake BO2) of Hardcore TDM and winning the game on my own or coming from behind (as is the case with CoD titles, being placed into a game in which you're losing is better than being placed into a pre game lobby...) but when it comes to playing Ghosts this isn't the case. I'm not getting annoyed at my own skill, I know that I'm good enough to be able to go into a public match and do well but this is not something that I can do on Ghosts. Yes I know that I've had the game roughly one day and that it may take time to get better but this is not something that people who are of a similar skill to me on previous cod titles had the issue of.

These are the things that I've got an idea of as to why I personally am not fond of Ghosts from the get go and as to why the game, at least at a multiplayer level, is not as fun as previous titles but also broken.

For whatever reason it appears that spawning is more akin to playing the national lottery. There have been countless times I've been killed, spawned onto the other side of the map, killed by someone on the other team hiding in a corner and then spawned back onto the side I was at before (This is more so on larger maps) When it comes to maps that are smaller the spawn system seems to be worse. Close your eyes, point somewhere on the map and then spawn. Again being shot by someone either in a corner or who is walking around only to find you looking the other way as you start to run from spawn who then proceeds to shoot you in your back is not fun. Oh alas though this just doesn't include  me getting spawned into people this also happens that I come across people that spawn in front of me and give me the pleasure of shooting them in the back. The spawn system seems to have been made to stop spawn trapping but has only created a bigger issue. With other CoD titles such as BO2 (the constant ref to BO2 is only because it will be fresh in peoples minds) spawning with your team did at least give you an advantage in both knowing where your team is and where the other team is, allowing you to not always, and in more than 1 game every night, being spawned killed. As an addition to the spawn saga, being spawned into enemy equipment such as IED's isn't fun.

Leaving Games
This should be a short topic (which will turn into a long topic maybe) addressing the issue that has always been in other CoD games and is not directly related to Ghosts but should be sorted. Leaving games is something that people do. Anyone who quits a game does so for a reason whether that reason be legit or not. Lag, being put into a game that your team is losing by a lot, being put into a game that's nearly over, rage quit (Rage quit actually covers a lot of things such as campers, dying a lot, other team is better than you etc) dislike of a map. Now it's important to know that people quit games for a reason, as I said earlier, and no matter what reason that is, they do not want to be spawned back into the same game that they have just quit. I never liked Nuketown. Lost count on how many times I left that map but it got to the point I had to team kill in order to stop being put back in. I wasn't fond of any DLC maps that was out for BO2 and so were deleted from my xbox but I was not allowed to delete Nuketown. (this is to please all the people that sit and say you shouldn't quit games and ruin it for the rest of us but don't worry I'll come to that bit later) If someone leaves a game then don't spawn them into the same game. They will quit again.

As far as this game goes, there are a lot of things that are amazing and attribute greatly to my experience. The maps do look good but there issues with just that feature. This game, to me, has seen a massive increase in being shot in the back, being killed by someone hiding in a bush or just being killed by someone refusing to move from a single spot. This is not the problem of the players. Believe it or not but people camping is down to the amount of cover and detail in the maps. There is too much. The promotion of sitting in one spot, shooting from a far is high and that is surely down to the amount of cover in the map. Playing Siege is beyond a joke. It perfectly typifies my point.

A quick brief look at the playlists reveals 4 for HC and a lot more for standard. I'm more of a HC person myself as the idea of luck and connection is reduced greatly and levels out the playing field yet because of this I'm limited to 4 playlists. Playing standard, coupled with all the other annoying things this game throws up, isn't fun. I love to use the word fun both in a sarcastic way and serious so try to tell the difference. If we enter into the HC playlists we find a re-spawn timer on TDM again. Not amazing since I know my spawn isn't going to be good and I have to wait sometimes 5 seconds per spawn to then get killed again by someone hiding in a corner. You can more or less copy and paste that last part and replace TDM with KC, DOM etc.

For this section is just about CoD in general and we shall jump right in. I play this game to be entertained. I play this game differently to others and expect as such. Some people play CoD and sit in corners, some run and gun. If I'm not enjoying a game, I'll quit. Again using the reasons above. Just as someone who doesn't play this game for more than an hour a week wouldn't enjoy being killed over and over again. For people that use the reason "don't buy the game if you're going to quit all the time" are more or less saying they have never quit a game in their life. Rubbish. Saying that I'm ruining the game for others is one of the most amusing things to read on forums and comments. I'm sorry but playing a game in which I have no challenge because the other team is not good or I'm playing a game to which the other team has complete map control is no fun. This then translates to leaving the game and then being spawned back into the same game you just quit. Lot's of fun.

Some may see that I've jumped ahead of the gun to judge and that maybe I'm being biased but I am a fan of IW. A lot more than Treyarch. This game though is something I can't see living up to the same standards of others. Not just down to my skill level (even though I mentioned that people moving from one CoD title to another on release dont have such a massive problem in playing) for the fact I haven't played it long but other peoples opinions. I hope I'm proven wrong and that it gets better but it can only get better when things such as spawn system is sorted.



Comments appreciated from all who have opinions. 

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